News & Stories

Latin America Dealer Partnership Conference
- Reinforcing ‘Successful Partnership’ through active exchanges with dealers
2014. 3. 31

Doosan Infracore’s sales division held an event with Latin American dealers in Las Vegas, USA from March 8 to 10, 2014 under the slogan ‘Our Partnership, Our Success.’ The conference was intended to reinforce partnership with Latin American dealers as an extension of an earlier meeting held in Jeju Island, Korea in June 2013.

Each department - product management (PM), sales, marketing, aftermartket (AM) and product support (P/S) - presented how to increase sales and foster dealers’ competency. Discussions between Doosan and dealers encompassed the company’s long-term roadmap for product development and new model launches (2013-2020), improvement of dealers’ AM and service capabilities, launch of the new buckets in 2014, and plans for increasing ADT sales - all of which were tailored for the specific needs of Latin American markets and clients.

During the awards ceremony, CEO Yongsung Kim presented awards to FARM SUPPLIERS of Guyana and COMREIVIC of Ecuador - the two most outstanding companies in the region out of the Global Top 10 in 2013 according to the results of a KPI evaluation. Also, he appreciated Latin American dealers’ endless efforts in his dinner toast, saying “We have been able to maintain a solid growth thanks to Latin American dealers’ constant efforts”.

Also, one of the dealers said, “The conference was a great opportunity for us as well. We were able to ask questions and address our requests directly to Doosan. It helped us consolidate partnership with Doosan.”

Only when all the members share the same vision and values, we can go in the same direction and achieve the goal.
Therefore, we look forward to consistently working together by forging an even stronger partnership.